President Kenyatta Applauds AGRA For Its Contribution To Food Security

On August 16, 2019 In Latest News

President Uhuru Kenyatta has commended the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) for its programmes aimed at enhancing food production in the country.

The President said through AGRA's innovative solutions and agricultural support especially to small holder farmers, the country is on course to becoming food secure.

Food security is one of the four pillars of the government's Big 4 development blueprint which also covers affordable housing, manufacturing and universal health coverage.

The President spoke today at State House, Nairobi during a meeting with Mr Strive Masiyiwa and former Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, the outgoing and incoming AGRA chairpersons respectively.

Mr Masiyiwa and the former Ethiopian Prime Minister briefed the President on the change of guard at continental institution and assured him of AGRA's continued support to Kenya’s agricultural sector.

They also invited President Kenyatta to attend a major agriculture summit that will be held in Accra, Ghana this September.

At another meeting at State House Nairobi, President Kenyatta discussed infrastructure, security, investment and wildlife conservation with visiting US Senators Chris Coons and Van Hollen Christopher.

The President and the senators praised the strategic partnership between Kenya and the US in security and agreed on the need to step up cooperation in infrastructure development.

Senator Coons said he would like to see Kenya benefiting from the US Development Financing Corporation’s $60 billion set aside annually to support US companies invest abroad.

On his part, Senator Van Hollen assured President Kenyatta of the support of the US in the fight against terrorism.

“We are with you in the fight against terrorism,” Senator Van Hollen said.

Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Monica Juma and Head of Public Service Joseph Kinyua attended the meeting.

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