Let’s All Participate In The Census, President Kenyatta Rallies Kenyans

On August 24, 2019 In Latest News

President Uhuru Kenyatta has called on all Kenyans to participate in the national census exercise which kicks off today evening.
The President urged all Kenyans to heed the government's enumeration call saying the census exercise seeks to provide the data needed in planning national development activities.
“We need to be counted, we need to know who we are, where we are in order for us to be able to divide the resources that God has given us in a manner that is equitable, that reaches every single citizen of this country,” the President said.
The President spoke today when he joined thousands of jubilant Christians during the 60th anniversary of the Christ Is The Answer Ministries (CITAM) in Karen, Nairobi County.
The President who was accompanied by Deputy President Dr William Ruto said proper planning and execution of government projects can only be successfully if it has proper facts of its population.
He said through national census the public would understand why certain projects are being carried out in particular places by their government
“As we move forward and continue growing in numbers, as a people we would want to be sure that there are enough educational, health and infrastructural facilities that help in providing the basic services,” the President said.
“We don’t do this on guesswork, we need to do it based on facts, therefore it is my hope and prayer that we will all in good faith turn up and be counted," he added.
The Head of State called on Kenyans to unite and work together for the good of their nation saying it is the responsibility of every citizen to shape the country they desire.
For the country to attain its ambitious development objectives and to fulfil the dreams of the nation's forefathers, the President said Kenyans need to continue living together as brothers and sisters in peace and harmony.
He commended CITAM for the diversity of its congregants who he said represent the face of Kenya.
“Your membership is diverse and inclusive, it represents the face of our country. It represents our ability to share that diversity, our ability to enjoy that diversity and to see that diversity as a strength not a weakness. For were it not a strength you (CITAM) would not be in all those different parts of the country that you are in today,” President Kenyatta said.
The President urged Kenyans to use their diversity for the progress of their nation noting that it is God's will that Kenyans live and do business freely wherever they choose to settle.
The Head of State challenged Christians to practise their faith by doing what is right as commanded by the scriptures. He pointed out that as believers in Christ, God requires truthfulness and accountability on ones private and public life.
“It’s not how much you worship God that matters but how much you live in His way. God sees us wherever we are and whatever we do in private where nobody is seeing us and that's what counts most to him. If we truly want to live in a great country, yes let us worship but let us live in his right way,” he said.
On the 60th anniversary of CITAM in Kenya, the President commended leadership and congregants of the church for the huge milestones it has achieved over the last six decades.
“I find it wonderful that today we have Kenyan CITAM missionaries in Philippines, in Europe, in America,” President Kenyatta said.
Deputy President Dr Ruto commended the CITAM for its positive influence on the country over the years.
“Congratulations at 60, when we came into this town about thirty or so years ago to attend university, NPC (Nairobi Pentecostal Church) was the church to go to. NPC has been a great influence to us,” Dr Ruto said.
Presiding Bishop of CITAM Dr David Oginde who gave the sermon commended the President for his efforts to unite the nation saying the church supports him in the endeavour to bring inclusivity and cohesiveness in the country.

The celebrations were also attended by Cabinet Secretaries Fred Matiang'i (Interior), Raphael Tuju, Sicily Kariuki (Health), Ukur Yatani (Treasury) and Prof Margaret Kobia (Public Service) among other senior government officers.

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