On September 24, 2020 In Statements and Speeches


The Leadership of the Kenya Defence Forces,

Distinguished Guests

Ladies and Gentlemen.

It is gives me great pleasure to preside over today’s passing-out celebrations for graduands of the Kenya Defence Forces.

This ceremony marks the successful completion of a demanding and important initial training of the recruits who are formed-up in front of us.

I extend my congratulations to you, the graduands, and register my appreciation to the trainers who have couched you, mentored you and instructed you in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Congratulations to you all for a job well done!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We all know what damage Coronavirus disease has done to us and to the world.  This pandemic has compelled institutions, world over, to change their traditions and ways of doing things by adopting a new normal.

I am, therefore, delighted to learn that this institution has observed a total lockdown since the first case was reported in the country.  As a result, you have managed to avoid contracting this disease despite the large number of recruits involved.

This is clear evidence that we can contain and eliminate the spread of the virus; and which underscores that discipline is fundamental in all spheres of life.

 I, therefore, congratulate you for keeping the School a COVID-19 free zone despite the enormous number of personnel herein.   Let us learn from this lesson that if we consistently adhere to the laid down health guidelines, we will for sure defeat this invisible enemy.


Your graduating today is just the beginning.  From here, you will join various Services, Formations and Units of the Kenya Defense Forces to begin your career; ahead of you, are years of service to this great nation.

I am confident that you will discharge your duties with fidelity and the known “KDF” precision, style - aptitude and selflessness.   Wherever your trails lead, the link between you will remain unbroken for all of you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

To all the parents, guardians and family members watching this ceremony from your homes, we appreciate the sacrifice you have made by giving your sons and daughters to serve their motherland

I note with appreciation that several female recruits have completed the course with their male counterparts today.  This is yet another manifestation of my Administration’s commitment to ensuring equal opportunities to all, and, indeed, to empower our womenfolk

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is important for these young women, working alongside men, to find meaning and purpose in their work.  When these young men and women joined the Kenya Defense Forces, from all parts of this great nation, they became one cohesive family.

 Your mission is clear; it is to protect our country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, defend our people and undertake any other task assigned to you from time to time. 

We are charging you with the duty of protecting this nation from assailants and intruders.  It is important for you to appreciate that we still need to invest more effort to degrade the Al-Shabaab terrorists so as to, not only safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity, but to help stabilize the Eastern African region.

The training you have undergone is to empower you with the skills necessary to solve this problem.  You are in the service of justice; and you are the agents and protectors of this nation

This is your ultimate contribution to the people of Kenya, who, by accepting to pay tax, have sacrificed to ensure you successfully discharge your duties.  I urge you to apply yourselves in the most patriotic and professional manner at all times.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Part of my solemn duty as your Commander-in-Chief is the protection of Kenyans, their property and preservation of our sovereignty and territorial integrity.  It is for this reason that I laud the efforts of the Kenya Defense Forces in the fight against terrorism

Our engagement in various initiatives, like AMISOM aimed at defeating terrorism yielded significant success. We have degraded the capacity of Al-Shabaab to carry out attacks in Kenya and elsewhere.

My direct instruction to all of you, graduands, is this: embrace impartiality over prejudice.  Restore goodness and humanity as well and let us build this nation together.  You have voluntarily joined this honourable profession and, for that reason, I am confident you will discharge your duty as expected of you.


The dynamic security environment you will be operating in demands that you continue to sharpen your military skills.  Moreover, you will need to enhance your knowledge on national, regional and international security threats.  This way, you will have a better understanding of how to operate within and without our territorial boundaries.

Let me at this point note with appreciation the role the Kenya Defence Forces has played and continues to play in regional security stabilization, specifically in the war against terror

While we have made good progress in containing terrorism, it is important to note that we still have security challenges that require our attention.  You are the right people for that job.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our nation takes pride in the high standard that has been the hallmark of our Defence Forces.  Our military personnel continue to play a major role in international assignments such as the United Nations’ Peace Support Operations including African Union (AU) and IGAD Missions in various parts of the world

The continuous participation of our military in these missions reflects the confidence that the international community, through the United Nations and the Security Council, in particular, has in our Nation’s Defence Forces. This, indeed, is a true testimony of the high standards of our military training and professionalism. 

Distinguished Guests,

As Commander-in-Chief of the Security Forces, I am proud of the high standard of the parade the recruits passing out today has displayed.

 I, however, once again urge them to emulate their superiors, and continue to strive to acquire further knowledge and skills so as to effectively meet the challenges that lie ahead.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like, at this point, to register our appreciation of the fact that the Kenya Defence Forces has continued to be a symbol of our nationhood.

Its organization and the symbolic relationship between its members, drawn from all the different communities of Kenya, living and working together as one team, is, indeed, inspiring.  It demonstrates that we are one People and one Nation.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We also recognize the contribution that our Defense Forces continue to make to our country as a whole, especially in utilizing their skills and assets to spearhead selected strategic development projects.

 The rehabilitation works on the Nairobi – Nanyuki meter-gauge railway line, the work done by Navy Engineers in the rehabilitation of the Kisumu Port, and the ongoing work on Nakuru – Kisumu line; are a few of such projects the Defence Forces have executed with excellence.   For this reason, we are, indeed, proud of your contribution to the realization of the Vision 2030 journey.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I urge all Kenyans and, indeed, all Government Agencies, to emulate this commitment of excellence from the Kenya Defence Forces.  Further, I wish to commend all the members of the Kenya Defence Forces for their professional conduct during operations and support to the civil authority.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Lastly, in the defense of our motherland and fulfilling our international obligations to pursue peace and security, it is important to note that we have lost some of our gallant soldiers.  These losses are not in vain; their sacrifice for our freedom and our motherland strengthens our resolve.

In closing, Ladies and Gentlemen, let me re-iterate what I said to the graduands as new recruits to the service and as the young makers of this country.

Our success on national development goals that we have set for ourselves, as a people, depends on you, our young people.  However, youmust be purpose driven.  If you become a community of solution givers and problem solvers, success will inevitably follow you.  This is how our national development goals, will be realized.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

With these remarks, let me once again take this opportunity to wish the new soldiers success in their future careers

Thank you; God bless you; God bless Kenya.

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